How does the shipping is managed by the module?

Wherever the customer clicks on the 1-click purchase button with Apple Pay, he has direct access to all the delivery addresses already registered on his Apple account. One of these addresses is selected by default but he can select another one from a drop-down menu:



Moreover, all the carriers available on your site will be proposed to him, even if the payment is not made at the last stage of the ordering tunnel but from a product page for example. Indeed, the module retrieves the information on the shipping modes from your shop and transmits it to the Apple Pay service. The user can choose one of the carriers compatible with his delivery address from a drop-down menu in the "Method" field:



The shipping fees that you usually offer on your shop will therefore apply in the same way depending on the selected delivery address and carrier. If the user changes the delivery address or the carrier, the shipping costs will be automatically updated.


If you only want to offer certain delivery methods through Apple Pay, please follow this FAQ.

Other FAQs in this category