Why the click on a combination from the list page does not redirect to the right selected attributes?

This behavior comes from the theme you use on your site, and which has not been updated according to the latest PrestaShop requirements. Therefore, it does not manage the pre-selection of attributes when clicking on a combination.

You can :

Go to the "product.tpl" file of your theme. It should be in the folder /themes/nameofyourtheme/templates/catalog/_partials/miniatures of your PrestaShop installation.

To line 30 of the file, locate the following string:

< a href="{$product.canonical_url}" class="thumbnail product-thumbnail" >

and replace it by:

< a href="{$product.url}" class="thumbnail product-thumbnail" >

Save and clear the caches.


This change will allow the redirection to the good attributes already pre-selected when clicking on a product combination from the list page.


We also recommend that you ask your theme editor to check that canonical_url is not also used elsewhere for thumbnail management, and, if necessary, to make the appropriate modification, so as not to encounter this problem again.