What is the list of cookies deleted when consent is revoked?
Here is the list of cookies that our module automatically deletes when a customer decides to revoke his consent via the link provided. To know how to add cookies to this list, go to the end of this FAQ.
"1p_jar", "ABTasty", "ABTastySession", "AWSALB", "AWSALBCORS", "BACKENDID", "FACIL_ITI_LS", "FLC", "GEUP", "OptanonConsent", "PREF", "UID", "UIDR", "VISITOR_INFO1_LIVE", "Wysistat", "YSC", "__asc", "__atuvc", "__atuvs", "__auc", "__cfduid", "__da-pu-xflirt-ID-pc-o169", "__gads", "__hssc", "__hssrc", "__hstc", "__qca", "__ss", "__ss_referrer", "__ss_tk", "__unam", "__utma", "__utmb", "__utmc", "__utmt", "__utmt_Shareaholic%20Pageviews", "__utmt_Tools", "__utmt_player", "__utmv", "__utmz", "__vrf", "__vrid", "__vrl", "__vrm", "__vru", "__vry", "__vrz", "__zlcid", "__zprivacy", "_comm_playlist", "_cs_c", "_cs_ex", "_cs_id", "_cs_optout", "_cs_s", "_cs_vars", "_drt_", "_eventqueue", "_first_pageview", "_ga", "_gat", "_gat_UA-65072040-17", "_gid", "_hjAbsoluteSessionInProgress", "_hjDonePolls", "_hjDoneSurveys", "_hjDoneTestersWidgets", "_hjIncludeInPageviewSample", "_hjIncludedInSample", "_hjMinimizedPolls", "_hjMinimizedTestersWidgets", "_hjShownFeedbackMessage", "_hjid", "_jsuid", "_p_hfp_client_id", "_pk_cvar", "_pk_hsr", "_pk_id", "_pk_ref", "_pk_ses", "_pk_uid", "_referrer_og", "_sp_id.32f5", "_sp_ses.32f5", "_uetmsclkid", "_uetsid", "_uetvid", "_utm_og", "_ym_d", "_ym_debug", "_ym_hostIndex", "_ym_isad", "_ym_metrika_enabled", "_ym_mp2_substs", "_ym_mp2_track", "_ym_uid", "acs", "ajs_anonymous_id", "ajs_group_id", "ajs_user_id", "anj", "apisid", "atidvisitor", "atredir", "atreman", "atsession", "attvtreman", "attvtsession", "c_user", "check", "clicky_olark", "clid", "client_id", "cluid", "csrftoken", "datr", "dmvk", "dpr", "ds_usr_id", "eqy_company", "eqy_sessionid", "eqy_siteid", "exchange_uid", "fc", "fr", "gq_utm", "hist", "hjClosedSurveyInvites", "hsid", "hubspotutk", "icu", "id", "ig_cb", "ig_did", "incap_ses_", "intercom-id-erbfalba", "intercom-session-erbfalba", "ipinfo", "iutk", "kbntrk", "koitk", "lang", "mc", "mid", "mtc_id", "mtc_sid", "nid", "nlbi_", "piwik_ignore", "player", "rds", "reg_ext_ref", "reg_fb_gate", "reg_fb_ref", "rrs", "rur", "rv", "s_cc", "s_ecid", "s_fid", "s_sq", "s_vi", "sapisid", "sb", "sc_anonymous_id", "sc_is_visitor_unique", "sclocale", "sess", "session_id", "sessionid", "shbid", "shbts", "sid", "sidcc", "sp_ab", "sp_landing", "sp_landingref", "sp_m", "sp_t", "sp_usid", "spot", "ssid", "ssupp.vid", "ssupp.visits", "trackalyzer", "ts", "uid", "uids", "usersync", "uslk_e", "uslk_s", "usst", "uuid2", "v1st", "visid_incap_", "visitor_id", "visitor_v2", "vuid", "wd", "wooTracker", "x-src", "xs", "yabs-sid", "yandexuid",
Note that you can add modules to this list through the option "Cookies to remove" of the tab "Settings" of the module: